Sunday, February 23 - March 16
Share Easter’s message of hope with children of Carroll County by contributing to The Shepherd’s Staff’s Easter Basket Program!
Here are some ideas of items to include:
Coloring Books Card Games
Small Toy Yo Yo’s
Play Dough Brain Teasers
Candy Snacks
Baby Rattles Baby Wipes
Teethe Christian Story Books
Crayons Ear Buds
Bubbles Craft Kits
Small Balls Small Toiletries
Shower Puffs Nail Polish
March 10, 2025 through March 28, 2025
We are asking everyone to either donate money or to purchase one or more of the items above and bring them to the church.
The Teen Ministry will assemble the baskets.
If you write a check, please make it out to “Elders Baptist Church.”
Please write “Easter Baskets Ministry” in the “For” line.
Please give the check to Pastor Chad. Thank you.