Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is collected in memory of Southern Baptist Missionary to China, Lottie Moon.  The funds are used to support over 3600 missionaries serving in countries all over the world.  All of the money given is used to fund missionaries all over the globe.  100% of the funds collected goes to the missionaries.  The Offering is collected by the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.

To learn about the International Mission Board and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, please click HERE and HERE.

To learn more about Missionary Lottie Moon, please click HERE.


Our Goal:  $7000                                        What We Have Collected: $4041.13


To give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, please click HERE

Once on the "Giving" Page, click the "Give Online" Button and it will take you to the Giving Page (offsite).  On the top left is a tab that says "General".  Click on the arrow in the tab to pull down the tab.  When you see the label "Lottie Moon Christmas Offering," click it.  It should appear in the tab.  Complete the online form.



The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering kicks off with a Week of Prayer for the missionaries and/or the people groups of the world.  This year the Week of Prayer is December 1-8.

To download and/or read the Prayer Guide, please click HERE

To read the stories found in the Prayer Guide, please click HERE

To read the stories of what God is doing all over the year, please click HERE.