Every form you need for the worship service can be found below. Click on the links below to download or print out the notes for the sermon and to see the bulletin for today. Or you just leave them open on the screen and use them there.
To watch the live stream of the worship service, click here.
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The Sermon is only on the Website as a live stream. The sermon will be uploaded to Facebook and YouTube after the service. The link above will take you to the Website Page.
You do have to have an account if you use Facebook Live. Be prepared to sign-in if you already have an account. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can sign-up for one, it's free. You do not have to have an account for YouTube, but you can subscribe to the Elders Baptist channel. It is free to do so.
Worship Sermon Notes
Weekly Sermon Notes, "Lord of the Sabbath", Mark 2:23-28, Pastor Jim (March 9, 2025)
Informational Bulletin
Weekly Info Bulletin, March 9, 2025